新文章:http://iamzhezhe.blogspot.tw/2015/01/2happy-new-year-2015.html 跨年的文章,裡面當然有穿搭還有新年新希望不過好似不小心越來越感性。 Almost everyone of us starts each year with a New Year’s Resolution and although some of us stick to it the first few months, I think sometimes, unfortunately, we’re not able to keep working so hard to achieve our goals. With the new year comes another chance to achieve our goals. Here comes the new year and also the new opportunity. 每次每個新的一年都一定會有新年新希望,我也相信很多人過了幾周幾月之後早忘了年初是多麼對今年充滿期待,許下了多少承諾,今年要更督促自己朝目標前進。新的一年新的機會,給自己新的一年新的期許吧。 facebook:https://www.facebook.com/iamzhezhe/posts/354020984785408?comment_id=354022574785249¬if_t=share_comment