大家是不是等不及週末的到來了呢? 希望冷冷的天氣趕快走 舒服的太陽快快來!不知道為什麼從來不穿運動風的我最近開始熱愛起運動褲了!快叫我陽光女孩吧!如果想多看我的穿搭 趕快來我的粉絲團吧! https://www.facebook.com/arielwangblog Is everyone itching for Friday already? I certainly am! I can't wait for the shots, to sleep in, to watch Revenge all day long and of course, to snap some photos to share with you all. I find it really weird that lately I am so into the whole Sporty Chic look and the funniest thing is, I have never ever even owned a pair of joggers until this year! However, I am a big believer that Sporty is the new IN for this 2014 (unless I was too ignorance all these while)!