see more ▶ FACEBOOK ▶ 曾經在我為了即將面對殘酷現實而沮喪焦慮時,有位特別的朋友這樣告訴我: 我把自己看成一條河,一條川流不息的河,流過樸實鄉村,流過繁榮都市,我無法因為一個地方的美好而停止流動,我只能不停地向前,我必須不停地向前。 I remember some words I have been told by a special friend when I was upset and helpless for being back to reality- “I see myself as a river. A river runs through everywhere, I could not just stop for a place no matter how beautiful it is. I could only move on. I have to move on, keep moving on.”