一到雨天,我的第一個印象就是機車騎士穿西裝配穿黃色雨衣.最近剛好又在看一本中古世紀的吸血鬼小說,這套裝就這樣應運而生了. 每次看到看我家大門, 就會有種要出城堡的感覺 配合這套剛好: ) 雨天也不能馬虎!! When it comes to the rainy days, the first image comes to my mind is motorcyclists riding with their suits covered with the yellow raincoats. And recently I am reading a novel which is about the vampires in the medieval ages. The things above inspires this outfit which is the duke living in the castle. Though is raining today, being a maverick is still of crucial importance.